Casting our nets is easy, but it’s only by faith we know where to cast them!

An anonymous person defined faith in the following way,

“Faith is seeing light with your heart when all your eyes see is darkness”

Having faith is never easy.

When our eyes see darkness, we see stumbling blocks. We see hills too steep to climb. We see obstacles that can’t be overcome, and we see impossible tasks that can never be accomplished.

But faith is something that transcends the darkness.

Faith leaves our physical eyes behind and the eyes of our heart – the nous – are opened to see a world full of light.

In a world full of light, stumbling blocks stack up to become a stairway to success. The hills to steep to climb become the peaks upon which we stand to see how far we’ve come. Obstacles become tools that help us grow, and impossible tasks are broken down into manageable undertakings.

It’s not always easy to open the eyes of heart to see the light, but when we do, our faith sustains us and brings us closer to Christ.


Requesting an act of faith was Christ’s introduction to his disciples.

The people were thirsty for the Word of God and Jesus was feeding them by preaching in the synagogues of various cities, but soon he found himself next to a lake.

What did he see?

He saw the fisherman pulling their boats ashore, finished for the day.

Jesus grabbed hold of the opportunity to keep preaching. He got into one of the boats and had a fisherman named Simon take him a little ways from the shore.

To us, this may sound like an odd way to preach, but the lake had the effect of amplifying his voice so the crowds could hear.

It was when he finished that the test came.


He turned to Simon and said,

“Put out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch.” (Luke 5:4 RSV)

Jesus had just finished preaching the good news of the kingdom of God, a message of faith, and now he wanted to see if Simon was paying attention.

Simon’s first response wasn’t very promising.

“Boss, we toiled all night and took nothing!” (Luke 5:5 Edited RSV)

Though he spoke words of doubt, his actions told a different story. Simon did let down his nets, and the fish started flowing!

And when they had done this, they enclosed a great shoal of fish; and as their nets were breaking, they beckoned to their partners in the other boat to come and help them. And they came and filled both the boats, so that they began to sink. (Luke 5:6-7 RSV)

Simon’s act of faith paid off.


Now we, at St. Elias, have taken a leap of faith. Last Sunday we voted to move our community to the Grandview property.

For over two years we’ve been like the Hebrews wandering in the desert. The roof of our home collapsed and we existed in transition.


But through this, we clung to God and had faith.

Through faith, we had multiple offers for places to worship: Catholics, Protestants, and even our Jewish friends extended their hands out to us.

Through faith, we’ve had experts willing to help us to explore multiple options and vet all possibilities.

Through faith, we’ve had monetary donations and donations of time from many people who want to help.

Through faith, we’ve arrived where we are today.

Through faith, we came together to support one another and hold together as a family.

Through faith, we are planting an Orthodox Church at one of the busiest intersections in Dubuque! Think about that!

Glory to God!


But faith is never easy.

In fact, our society tells us over and over again to give up on faith and put our trust in the tangible.

If you want to start a business you’ll need a business plan.

You’ll need to ask these questions and find the answers: what are you going to make or sell? Where are you going to get your raw materials? Who is your target audience and how are you going to reach them?

You’ll also need to figure out your financials. How much do you need to start? How much do you need to maintain your business? How much profit do you expect to make?

All of these will require spreadsheets and databases that demonstrate your research and the evidence gathered to show your business will succeed!

In fact, I’m sure fishing in the 1st century was no different.


Simon and the other fishermen had spent time learning their trade. They had learned how to sail, how to make the materials needed to catch the fish, and how to find the fish.

They knew the best times to take the boat out, and the best locations for fish.

But the business plan gets thrown out the window when Jesus arrives.

In fact, the story sounds even more ridiculous when you consider that Simon and his friends were just coming in from fishing…and had caught nothing!

And then, here comes Jesus, a carpenter from Nazareth!

I’m sure they wondered: who is this guy? All he talks about is the faith and the Kingdom of God. Doesn’t he know that this is Caesar’s kingdom? Doesn’t he see the Roman soldiers who occupy this land?

Despite some protest, they take that leap of faith and catch more fish than they’ve ever caught before.

Through faith, miracles happen!


The end of the story asks Simon for another act of faith.

Now that he’s caught the greatest catch of fish he’s ever seen, Jesus makes one more request of him.

But when Simon Peter saw it, he fell down at Jesus’ knees, saying, “Depart from me, for I am a sinful man, O Lord.” For he was astonished, and all that were with him, at the catch of fish which they had taken; and so also were James and John, sons of Zeb’edee, who were partners with Simon. And Jesus said to Simon, “Do not be afraid; henceforth you will be catching men.” (Luke 5:8-10 RSV)

This is truly a life-changing leap of faith!


Jesus asks Simon to leave his family, leave his business, leave everything that he’s known as security, and follow this carpenter turned preacher.

Would you comply with such a request?

If Jesus showed up at your work – and remember, this is before the resurrection, and many people only believe that the messiah was to be a political figure – and gave you great earnings, but then asked you to leave that job, would you do it?

No business plan.

No hourly wage.

No place to sleep.

No security for any of life’s necessities.

Will you follow Jesus?

Will you leave everything behind?

Will your faith lead you to follow our Lord?


I now invite you to enter deeper into the mystery of Christ with the Orthodox Church!

St. Elias Services

Saturdays, 5 pm (at St. John’s Parish House, 1458 Locust St, Dubuque, IA)

Sundays, 9:30 am (at Hillcrest Chapel, 2001 Asbury Rd, Dubuque, IA)

Or find your nearest Orthodox Church by clicking here


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