Sunday of All Saints

This Sunday’s Gospel reading is a hard pill to swallow.

Jesus says that if you don’t acknowledge him in your life, then he will not acknowledge you before God’s throne!

He also says that we need to love Jesus more than our own parents (and we read this the Sunday after Fathers’ Day!).

The apostles, many of whom often don’t seem to “get it,” start to complain and tell Jesus about how they have left everything to follow him.

In response, Jesus says that those who have left everything behind to follow him will “co-rule” with him on the day of judgment.

In other words, we shouldn’t fear human courts or opinions . . . instead we should always heed the teachings of the one who is truly in authority: Jesus Christ.

Scripture: Matthew 10:32-33; 37-38; 19:27-30 (click here to read)

Bottom Line: Ultimately, the tables will be turned and followers of Jesus will end up on top.

Discussion Questions

  1. Jesus talks about acknowledging him and denying him before other people. What do you think he means by that? How have you acknowledged or denied him in your life?
  2. Why would Jesus say that those who don’t love him more than your family not be worthy of him? Biblically speaking, when we are baptized we “put on Christ” and “become a new creation.” As Christians, who are our family members? How are these bonds formed? How are they strengthened? What role do you think the sacraments, especially communion, play in all this?
  3. Those who sit with Jesus on judgment day have “followed him.” What does it mean to “follow” Jesus? How have you done this or not done this in your life?
  4. What do you think it means to live your life for “Christ’s sake?” Does one have to be a saint to have “lived for Christ”? How is Christ calling you to follow him?

Moving Forward

To be a part of God’s people is about how we love God and neighbor—how we put Jesus’s teaching into practice.

This is living out our faith and putting it into practice.

We all have moments in our lives where we both deny Christ and moments when we acknowledge him.

How can you make sure that you acknowledge him and live by his teaching more than not this week?

Changing Your Mind

“But many who are first will be last, and the last will be first.” (Matthew 19:30)

Loving Jesus More

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