Marc Philip Boulos, Dark Sayings: Diary of an American Priest (St. Paul: OCABS Press, 2023). Pp. 208. Paperback $18.00. (Amazon link)

Many people today are searching for depth and meaning in their lives. Traditionally, religion, through its sacred texts, has aided people in this quest. Texts like the Bible help individuals understand their connection with the divine and with those around them.

However, nowadays, many people are not finding this kind of meaning in the Bible. The way it is often taught by so-called experts is a significant factor in this. The Bible is frequently presented as if it were a science book, a history book, or a collection of miracle stories, which it is not.

When the Bible is mishandled, it can drive people away from Christianity. It’s no secret that America is becoming a more secular nation. If you examine the statistics or listen to young people who have left Christianity, you will realize that many of them perceive Christianity and the Bible as nothing more than fantasy – mythical tales that are outdated, irrelevant, and disconnected from our modern lives. This is the consequence of poor biblical scholarship.

Fortunately, the Tarazian school* takes scripture and biblical scholarship seriously. Fr. Marc’s book, Dark Sayings: Diary of an American Priest, is a contribution to this school.

Fr. Marc is a priest in West Side St. Paul, MN, and this book comprises his sermons. He starts each sermon with a brief introduction to orient you to the proper interpretation of scripture. However, these are not your typical sermons. While most sermons aim to make people feel good about themselves, their church, and their nation, Fr. Marc, in true biblical fashion, challenges and invites us to hear scripture as the original audience heard it. He encourages us to live according to the teachings of the Bible.

The Tarazian school views the Bible as a critique of humanity and its institutions, as most of us place our trust in what we can achieve or build. However, the Bible’s message is that trusting in ourselves leads to the sins of pride and greed and ultimately results in our downfall.

According to scripture, the solution is to set aside our ego and place our full trust in the God of scripture, who alone can liberate us. By following His instructions, as outlined in the Bible, we are no longer enslaved by the powers, authorities, or expectations of this world. Instead, God becomes our judge, freeing us from the pressures of this world, allowing us to live in a new way: loving God and loving our neighbor.

Fr. Marc’s book skillfully takes what the Tarazian school has offered and provides real-world examples of how these teachings manifest in today’s world. For instance, in the chapter titled “Bow or Walk Away,” Fr. Marc discusses how theologians, like politicians, often philosophize about the darkness of the world, presenting themselves as saviors bringing light to this dark world. However, Fr. Marc points out that we all have darkness within us, evident in how much we spend on ourselves instead of helping the poor.

Fr. Marc’s book will undoubtedly challenge many readers, if not all. Christians who believe they have a firm grasp of the Bible will see it in a new light. Yet, for those readers willing to grapple with the text, however painful it may be, they will gain a clearer perspective on humanity and life. They will break free from a false perception of the world and place their trust where it truly belongs: in the scriptural God. In this way, life will no longer be shallow but will possess much deeper meaning.

So, I invite you, if you are ready – if you dare – to pick up a copy of Fr. Marc’s book and be prepared to encounter scripture in a way you never thought possible.

*Tarazian school: By this phrase, I am referring to the teachings of Fr. Paul Tarazi and his students who follow his approach to scripture. Fr. Paul taught at both St. Vladimir’s and Holy Cross and has written extensively on the Bible.

Review of Dark Sayings by Fr. Marc Boulos

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